Tables of Results

Table 1

Number and percentage of male and female Native American subjects at each beginning age level for the bifocal and control groups.

Bifocal Subjects   Control Subjects
Males % Females % Total Males % Females % Total
6-83 60.02 40.0 5  8 34.8 15 65.2 23
9 0 00.0 3100.0 3 2 16.7 10 83.3 12
10 3 60.0 240.0 5 4 44.4 555.69
11 1 16.7 5 83.3 6 1 14.3 6 85.7 7
12 2 28.6 5 71.4 7 2 13.3 13 86.7 15
13 2 33.3 4 66.7 6 2 12.5 14 87.5 16
14 1 25.0 3 75.0 4 2 25.0 6 75.0 8
15 1 14.3 6 85.7 7 4 28.6 10 71.4 14
Total 13 30.2 30 69.8 4325 24.0 79 76.0 104

Table 2

Number and percentage of male and female Caucasian subjects at each beginning age level for the bifocal and control groups.

Bifocal Subjects   Control Subjects
Males % Females % Total Males % Females % Total
6-86 54.5 5 45.5 11  25 49.1 26 50.9 51
9 8 57.1 6 42.9 14 17 41.5 24 58.5 41
10 12 48.0 13 52.0 25 17 34.0 33 66.0 50
11 11 42.3 15 57.7 26 22 40.0 33 60.0 55
12 14 50.0 14 50.0 28 25 39.7 38 60.3 63
13 18 40.9 26 59.1 44 17 45.9 20 54.1 37
14 6 35.3 11 64.7 17 16 50.0 16 50.0 32
15 15 45.5 18 54.5 33 12 48.0 13 52.0 25
16 12 66.7 6 33.3 15 5 41.7 7 58.3 12
17-18 7 70.0 3 30.0 10 8 50.0 8 50.0 16
Totals 109 48.2 117 51.8 226164 42.8 219 57.2 382

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